Workers in construction industry should not be discriminated – MDA BCA enforcement welcomed

The Malta Developers Association wishes to clarify some misunderstandings carried in sections of the media regarding the association and the COVID-19 emergency.

  1. The MDA has already instructed its members, on its own initiative, to reduce as much as possible the unavoidable inconvenience caused by construction projects in residential areas. In this regard, MDA members were directed to start excavation and demolition works not before 8am. It also encouraged developers and contractors to avoid as much as possible noisy works during sensitive hours of the day. The MDA is satisfied that most of its members have already taken such measures, including some who have suspending works completely.
  • The MDA is monitoring the situation with regards to how the construction industry is responding to the ongoing emergency and is reporting to the authorities those in the sector who are still abusing. The MDA is totally against any abuse and calls upon the authorities to continue ensuring proper enforcement. MDA welcomes interventions taken recently, such as the one in Gzira yesterday by the Building and Construction Agency. It notes that the Gzira developer was not even member the MDA.
  • The MDA has made tangible proposals so that, on a temporary basis, developers and contractors can agree to reduce further excavation and demolition works. Since this will entail a reduction in working hours, the MDA is insisting with the authorities that, if such temporary measures in favour of the public are introduced, the employees involved should be treated exactly like other categories of workers who are being helped by state funds.The MDA insists that no discrimination should be allowed among workers effected by the COVID-19. The MDA appreciates their efforts to continue working is such conditions.

The construction industry has some 16,000 full-time employees and supports 43,000 in related industries. The MDA insists that these workers should be treated the same as all other workers and their families.

The MDA takes the opportunity to thank all the workers in the industry and promises them continuous support.