President of MDA’s Estate Agents Section calls for regularisation

The newly set up Estate Agents Section within the Malta Developers Association has called for the conclusion of the White Paper on the regulation of estate agencies, which has been shelved for over two years.

The new MDA section, which brings together some of the most prominent and established estate agency brands, including Frank Salt, Remax Alliance, QuickLets, Island Properties, Belair, Dhalia Real Estate, Ben Estates, 77 Great Estates, Elite Real Estate, North Key, Chestertons and SQL, along with many other individual agents, has taken the initiative to start training its property consultants to give a professional service to its customers, both vendors and buyers.

“The MDA’s Estate Agents Section is no longer a member of any other association and the section wishes to advise that it is now the de facto representative of the industry on the various government agencies and entities, in the interests of the profession, the public and agencies at large,” Douglas Salt, who is heading the EAS, said.

“The current real estate market demands a high level of professionalism that in turn benefits the local economy. Therefore, above all else, this new section is working to deliver a high level of information to all types of property consultants to ensure an excellent standard of service to the public. I encourage everyone else, who has not yet joined the EAS, to follow suit,” Mr Salt concluded.

2 April 2018


Il-President tas-Sezzjoni ta’ Aġenti tal-Proprjetà fi ħdan l-MDA jappella għal regolamentazzjoni

Is-sezzjoni ġdida ta’ aġenti tal-proprjetà (EAS) fi ħdan il-Malta Developers Association (MDA) appellat biex il-White Paper fuq ir-regolamentazzjoni tal-aġenziji tal-proprjetà, li ilha fuq l-ixkaffa għal dawn l-aħħar sentejn, issir liġi.

Is-sezzjoni ġdida, li tilqa’ fiha xi wħud mill-marki ta’ aġenziji tal-proprjetà l-iktar prominenti u stabbiliti, fosthom Frank Salt, Remax Alliance, QuickLets, Island Properties, Belair, Dhalia Real Estate, Ben Estates, 77 Great Estates, Elite Real Estate, North Key, Chestertons, SQL u numru ta’ aġenti individwali, ħadet l-inizjattiva biex tibda tħarreġ il-konsulenti tal-proprjetà biex jagħtu servizz professjonali lill-klijenti, kemm bejjiegħa u xerrejja.

“Is-Sezzjoni ta’ Aġenti tal-Proprjetà tal-MDA m’għadiex membru f’xi assoċjazzjoni oħra u s-sezzjoni tixtieq tavża li saret de facto ir-rappreżentanta tal-industrija fuq numru ta’ bordijiet u aġenziji tal-Gvern, fl-interess tal-professjoni, il-pubbliku u l-aġenziji kollha,” qal Douglas Salt, li qiegħed imexxi l-EAS.

“Is-suq tal-proprjetà bħal issa jirrikjedi livell għoli ta’ professjonaliżmu li hu ta’ ġid għall-ekonomija lokali. Allura, din is-sezzjoni ser taħdem fuq kollox biex twassal livell għoli ta’ informazzjoni lill-konsulenti tal-proprjetà ta’ kull tip biex tassigura livell ta’ servizz eċċellenti għall-pubbliku. Inħeġġeġ lil kull min għadu ma sseħibx fl-EAS biex jagħmel dan minnufih,” temm jgħid is-Sur Salt.

2 ta’ April 2018