MDA raises funds for Malta Community Chest Fund

MDA raises funds for Malta Community Chest Fund

Witness to the value of unconditional love

The activity organised by the Malta Developers Association bears further witness to a people who knows how to show the value of unconditional love.

The President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, said this during a dinner organised at the Montekristo Estate, in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund on Thursday, 24 July, 2014.

President Coleiro Preca thanked the MDA for organising the activity which raised €36,500. She maintained that the time has come that together we rise above the level of pity for those who resort to assistance and we give them dignity through solidarity.

The President of Malta explained that, unfortunately in the past 10 years, the incidence of cancer has doubled and the Malta Community Chest Fund is the only national fund that is providing funds for this care.

“The Malta Community Chest Fund can be considered as the fund, sustained by the people of Malta and Gozo, that also works to save lives,” President Coleiro Preca maintained.

Meanwhile, Sandro Chetcuti, President of the MDA, said this was a gesture towards the Malta Community Chest Fund that came from the heart.

“I appeal to all the members and benefactors so that they will seek the riches of the heart and help people in need because you cannot compare this with material riches,” Mr Chetcuti concluded.

26 July, 2014


L-MDA tiġbor fondi għall-Malta Community Chest Fund

Xhieda tal-valur tal-imħabba mingħajr kundizzjoni

L-attività mtella’ mill-Malta Developers Association (MDA) tagħti xhieda oħra ta’ poplu li jaf juri l-valur tal-imħabba mingħajr kundizzjoni.

Sostniet dan il-President ta’ Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, waqt ikla organizzata fil-Montekristo Estate, b’risq il-Malta Community Chest Fund nhar il-Ħamis, 24 ta’ Lulju, 2014.

Il-President Coleiro Preca rringrazzjat lill-MDA li organizzat din l-attività li permezz tagħha ntlaħqet is-somma ta’ €36,500.

Sostniet li wasal il-mument li flimkien nogħlew mil-livell li nitħassru lil min jirrikorri għall-għajnuna u nagħtu d-dinjità permezz tas-solidarjetà.

Il-President ta’ Malta spjegat kif, sfortunatament f’dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin, l-inċidenza tal-mard tal-kanċer irduppjat u l-Malta Community Chest Fund huwa l-unika fond nazzjonali li qed jipprovdi fondi għall-kura.

“Il-Malta Community Chest Fund jista’ jitqies bħala l-fond li huwa sostnut mill-poplu Malti u Għawdxi, li jaħdem ukoll biex isalva l-ħajjiet,” sostniet il-President Coleiro Preca.

Sadanittant, Sandro Chetcuti, President tal-MDA, qal li dan il-ġest lejn il-Malta Community Chest Fund kien mill-qalb.

“Nappella lill-membri u l-benefatturi kollha biex ifittxu r-rikkezzi tal-qalb u jgħinu lil nies fil-bżonn għax ma tistax tqabbel dawn mar-rikkezzi materjali,” temm jgħid is-Sur Chetcuti.

26 ta’ Lulju, 2014