MDA Press Release 9/1/25 l-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija għall-Iżvilupp (Malta Development Association) tħabbar ksur ta’ rekord ieħor

Is-sena elfejn, erbgħa u għoxrin (2024) kienet sena li rat għadd impressjonanti ta’ rekords fis-settur tal-proprjeta’. Dan il-fatt rajnih konsistentement prattikament matul ix-xhur kollha tas-sena’.  Hekk kif ingħalqet is-sena u nġabret id-data kollha, l-MDA tħabbar rekord ġdid ieħor għas-sena msemmija u dan fl-ammont totali tal-valur tal-proprjeta fuq konvenju. Dan jammonta għal ħames biljun, mija u għaxar miljun u mija tliet elef u sebgħa mija u ħamsa u tletin ewro (€5,110,103,735) u dan permezz tas-sittax il-elf u sebgħa mija u disgħa u tletin (16,739) konvenju ffirmat. Għal fini ta’ sfond, is-sena’ elfejn tlieta u għoxrin (2023) dan l-ammont kien ta’ erba biljun, ħames mija u sebgħa u disgħin miljun, sebgħa mija u tlieta u ħamsin elf u mija u sitta u disgħin ewro (€4,597,753,196) u r-rekord preċedenti kien seħħ lura fis-sena elfejn wieħed u għoxrin (2021) u dan fl-ammont ta’ erba biljun, tminn mija u wieħed u erbgħin miljun, erbgħa mija u sitta u għoxrin elf u seba mija u għoxrin ewro (4,841,426,720). B’hekk din is-sena tfisser żieda ta’ l-fuq minn ħdax fil-mija (11%) fuq is-sena preċedenti u żieda ta’ ħamsa punt ħamsa fil-mija (5.5%) fuq ir-rekord preċedenti.
Għal darb’oħra, din id-data qed tkompli turi biċ-ċar it-tkabbir ekonomiku li jġib miegħu is-settur tal-proprjeta’. L-MDA tfakkar illi dan is-settur huwa wieħed mill-pilastri fundamentali u b’hekk jeħtieġ illi nibżgħu għalih. Id-domanda fil-proprjeta qiegħda dejjem tiżdied u għaldaqstant, anke biex jinżamm dan l-investiment, huwa neċessarju illi jiġu indirizzati l-kwistjonijiet tal-burokrazija li ma ġġib ebda valur miżjud u investimenti sussidjarji li jtejbu l-kwalita’ inkluż l-infrastruttura u bini aktar effiċjenti. B’reazzjoni għal dawn il-figuri, il-President tal-Assoċjazzjoni Michael Stivala jżid illi “dan l-investiment tgawdi minnu kull familja Maltija u Għawdxija.”
Dwar l-MDA:
l-MDA hija l-ogħla korp u vuċi għas-settur tal-Proprjeta’ f’Malta. L-MDA tiġbor il-maġġoranza tal-istakeholders flimkien sabiex tkun forza li ġġib tkabbir u żvilupp ta’ settur li hu tant importanti għal pajjiżna.
L-informazzjoni hija bbażata minn data miġbura mill-MDA minn sorsi differenti u tinkludi kemm proprjetajiet residenzjali kif ukoll kummerċjali. 
The Malta Developemnt Association announces a record breaking year
2024 was a year that saw an impressive number of records broken across Malta’s property sector. We have seen this fact consistently throughout the months of the year. As the year closed and all the data was collected, the MDA announced another new record for the year 2024 and this in the total amount of the value of the property on a promise of sale. This amounts to five billion, one hundred and ten million and one hundred three thousand and seven hundred and thirty-five euros (€5,110,103,735) and this by means of the sixteen thousand and seven hundred and thirty-nine (16,739) promises of sales signed. In comparison, in the year two thousand and twenty-three (2023) the value of property promised to be sold amounted to four billion, five hundred and ninety-seven million, seven hundred and fifty-three thousand and one hundred and ninety-six euros (€4,597,753,196) whilst the previous record was set back in the year two thousand and twenty-one (2021) and this in the amount of four billion, eight hundred and forty-one million, four hundred and twenty-six thousand and seven hundred and twenty euros (4,841,426,720). Thus this year represents an increase of over eleven percent (11%) over the previous year and an increase of five point five percent (5.5%) over the previous record.
Once again, this data continues to clearly demonstrate the economic growth brought about by the property sector. The MDA states that this sector is one of the fundamental pillars and therefore we need to be preserve it. The demand for property is constantly increasing and therefore, even in order to maintain this investment, it is necessary to address the issues of bureaucracy which does not bring any added value and make the necessary investments to improve quality including infrastructure and more efficient buildings. Reacting to these figures, the President of the Association Michael Stivala adds that “this investment benefits every Maltese and Gozitan family.”
About the MDA:
The MDA is the highest body and voice for the Property sector in Malta. The MDA brings together the majority of stakeholders in order to be a force that brings growth and development to a sector that is so important to our country.
The information is based on data collected by the MDA from different sources and includes both residential and commercial properties.