Malta Developers Association President Sandro Chetcuti today stressed the importance of fixing local infrastructure and public transport in a meeting it held on the request of the Nationalist Party.
The meeting, held at The Palace Hotel, Sliema, was between the MDA Council and a delegation headed by party leader Dr Simon Busuttil and composed of the two deputy leaders, Dr Beppe Fenech Adami and Dr Mario de Marco, MPs Ryan Callus, Marthese Portelli and Robert Arrigo, André Grech, president of the PN’s SME Forum, and two prospective candidates, Dorian Sciberras and Sam Abela.
Mr Chetcuti affirmed the MDA’s determination to give a contribution to every government that is running the country. He expressed satisfaction that Dr Busuttil and Dr Portelli arranged for the MDA to meet with the eNGOs around a table for the first time. “Although it is good to complain and draw attention to environmental issues, it is not enough,” Mr Chetcuti said. “These issues have to be solved once and for all.”
Today the industry is witnessing a boom but it is wary about ensuring that there should not be any over-revving of the economic engine. The MDA has come up with no fewer than 15 proposals that were taken on board during the last three Budgets. “They were always policies aimed at benefiting everyone, especially the consumer,” he added.
Mr Chetcuti pointed out that many foreigners were being attracted to come and live and work here. “We also face the challenge of not finding where to invest except in property because the other investments are all riskier and property attracts a more long-term investment,” he said.
Every government has to exercise caution in the way that public land is given away. “Apart from the importance of good planning, public land should not be sold at below the market value because this would be causing great damage to whoever is investing,” he said.
Mr Chetcuti paid tribute to the good work of the various affiliate bodies within the MDA: the renewable energy suppliers, the Malta Furniture Manufacturers Organisation (MFMO), the quarry owners, the road contractors and the Federation of Estate Agents.
He stressed the importance of energy efficiency and noted: “We are seeing that there are ambitions and enthusiasm on the part of the government for certain projects to be undertaken, which is a good thing. However, if we do not fix the infrastructure and do not look after public transport everything is going to collapse. So this is something we need to tackle with greater than urgency.”
Dr Busuttil paid tribute to the role and work of the MDA, giving a strong voice to the construction industry and congratulated Mr Chetcuti for being the engine behind the MDA. He went on to present three concrete ideas that form part of his party’s vision to enable the construction industry to give its contribution to improve the quality of life in the country:
28 September, 2016
L-MDA u l-PN jaqblu fuq il-ħtieġa li titranġa l-infrastruttura u t-trasport
Il-President tal-Malta Developers Association (MDA), Sandro Chetcuti, illum saħaq fuq l-importanza li titranġa l-infrastruttura lokali u t-trasport waqt laqgħa li saret wara talba tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Il-laqgħa, li saret fil-lukanda The Palace, Tas-Sliema, kienet bejn il-Kunsill tal-MDA u delegazzjoni mmexxija mil-kap tal-partit, Dr Simon Busuttil, u kienet magħmula miż-żewġ deputati mexxejja, Dr Beppe Fenech Adami u Dr Mario de Marco, il-membri parlamentari Ryan Callus, Marthese Portelli u Robert Arrigo, il-president tal-Forum tal-SMES André Grech u żewġ kandidati prospettivi, Dorian Sciberras u Sam Abela.
Is-Sur Chetcuti qal li l-MDA hi determinata li tagħti kontribut lil kull gvern li jmexxi l-pajjiż. Wera sodisfazzjon li Dr Busuttil u Dr Portelli ftehmu biex l-MDA tiltaqa’ mal-eNGOs madwar mejda għall-ewwel darba. “Allavolja tajjeb li wieħed igerger u jġib għall-attenzjoni affarijiet li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-ambjent, dan mhux biżżejjed,” qal is-Sur Chetcuti. “Dawn l-issues hemm bżonn li nsibu tarfhom darba għal dejjem.”
Illum l-industrija għaddejja minn żmien ta’ boom iżda xorta qegħda tibża biex il-magna ekonomika ma tirrevvjax iż-żejjed. L-MDA għamlet mhux inqas minn 15-il proposta li ġew aċċettati fl-aħħar tlett Budgets. “Dawn kienu dejjem policies immirati biex igawdi minnhom kulħadd, speċjalment il-konsumatur,” żied jgħid is-Sur Chetcuti.
Hemm ħafna barranin li ġew attirati biex jiġu jgħixu u jaħdmu hawn. “Niffaċċjaw ukoll l-isfida li m’hemmx fejn tinvesti ħlief fil-proprjetà għax l-investimenti l-oħra huma iktar riskjużi u l-proprjetà tattira iktar investiment fit-tul,” qal is-Sur Chetcuti.
Kull gvern għandu jeżerċita kawtela fil-mod kif jagħti art pubblika. “Apparti mill-importanza ta’ pjanar tajjeb, art pubblika m’għandux jiġi mibjugħ għal prezz inqas minn dak tas-suq għax dan jagħmel iktar ħsara lil min qiegħed jinvesti,” qal is-Sur Chetcuti.
Ta ġieħ lix-xogħol siewi li qegħdin jagħmlu dawk l-organizzazzjonijiet kollha li huma affiljati fl-MDA: il-fornituri tal-enerġija rinnovabbli, dik tal-mastrudaxxi (MFMO), il-kuntratturi tal-barrieri, il-kuntratturi tat-toroq u l-Federation of Estate Agents.
Saħaq fuq l-importanza tal-enerġija effiċjenti u nnota: “Qegħdin naraw li hemm ambizzjonijiet u entużjażmu min-naħa tal-gvern biex ċerti proġetti jsiru, li hi ħaġa tajba. Però, jekk ma nirrenġawx l-infrastruttura u ma nibżgħux għat-trasport kollox jikkollassa. Għalhekk din hi xi ħaġa li irridu nsibu tarfha b’iktar minn urġenza.”
Dr Busuttil ta ħajr lir-rwol u x-xogħol tal-MDA, li ta vuċi qawwija lill-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni u faħħar lis-Sur Chetcuti talli hu l-magna wara l-MDA. Ippreżenta tlett ideat konkreti li huma parti mill-viżjoni tal-partit biex l-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni tkun tista’ tagħti l-kontribut tagħha biex ittejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajja fil-pajjiż:
28 ta’ Settembru, 2016