MDA concerned on tender for ITS site

The Malta Developers Association is concerned on the process followed for the call for offers for the development of the ITS site in St George’s Bay.

While the MDA declares that it is not against the project proposed by the Sea Bank Group, the MDA is concerned that there appear to have been shortcomings in the process for the tender call.

This tender, in fact, effectively resembled more a request for proposals (RFP) than a tender and there appears to have been confusion on this in the same tender document. The MDA expects that, when a tender of this nature is issued, the Government should prepare a Development Brief in advance so that everyone will know clearly what can be built on the specific site.

The tender system should not be used when there is a call for proposals and ideas, as appears to have been the case.

The MDA also feels that the time allocated for the documents to be prepared and the details of the submissions given should be long enough to ensure that there is a level playing field between all those interested in embarking on a project of this size. This is also important so that transparency of the process is ensured. The MDA appeals to the Government to ensure that the process is just.

Above all, the MDA also feels that the Government should establish a minimum price it is prepared to accept for public land. The MDA insists with the Government that the value of the land should reflect the commercial market price to safeguard the common good.

17 May, 2016


L-MDA mħassba dwar it-tender tas-sit tal-ITS

Il-Malta Developers Association (MDA) hi mħassba dwar il-mod kif sar il-proċess tas-sejħa għal offerti biex ikun żviluppat is-sit tal-ITS fil-Bajja ta’ San Ġorġ.

Filwaqt li l-MDA tiddikjara li mhix kontra l-proġett propost mis-Sea Bank Group, l-MDA hi mħassba minħabba nuqqasijiet li jidher li kien hemm fil-proċess tas-sejħa għat-tender.

Dan it-tender, fil-fatt, kien effettivament aktar jixbaħ sejħa għal proposti (RFP) milli tender u jidher li kien hemm konfużjoni dwar dan fl-istess dokument tat-tender. L-MDA tistenna li meta toħroġ tender ta’ dan it-tip, il-Gvern għandu jipprepara minn qabel Development Brief biex kulħadd ikun jaf b’mod ċar x’jista’ jinbena fuq sit speċifiku.

Sistema ta’ tender m’għandix tintuża meta ssir sejħa ta’ proposti u ideat, kif donnu jidher li kien il-każ.

L-MDA tħoss ukoll li ż-żmien li ngħata biex jiġu ppreparati d-dokumenti u d-dettalji tas-sottomissjonijiet għandu jkun twil biżżejjed biex ikun assigurat li jkun hemm level playing field bejn kull min ikun interessat li jidħol għal proġett ta’ dan id-daqs. Dan huwa importanti wkoll biex ikun assigurat li l-proċess ikun wieħed trasparenti. L-MDA tappella lill-Gvern biex jaċċerta ruħu li l-proċess ikun wieħed ġust.

Fuq kollox, l-MDA tħoss ukoll li l-Gvern għandu jistabbilixxi l-prezz minimu li jkun lest li jaċċetta għal art pubblika. L-MDA tinsisti mal-Gvern li l-valur tal-art għandu jirrifletti l-prezz kummerċjali tas-suq biex ikun imħares il-ġid komuni.

17 ta’ Mejju, 2016