MDA appoints Academy director and CEO

The Malta Developers Association (MDA) has appointed Mr Ray Abela as Director and CEO of its learning and training academy.

Launched earlier this year, the Academy is another MDA initiative aimed at raising the overall standards of the construction industry, its many players and in particular, those involved directly in the business, mainly skilled workers and professionals.

Mr Abela brings along 30 years of experience in the educational and technology learning sector through the establishment and development of his tech company TCTC.

“The MDA is a great opportunity to transfer my knowledge in the adult learning and technology areas onto the young MDA Academy which we want to see growing to become the leading training academy for one of the most important economic pillars of our island,” Mr Abela stated upon his appointment.

Welcoming the decision of the MDA council to appoint Mr Abela as the academy’s first director, MDA President Sandro Chetcuti said that the association has advanced plans to develop the academy into a first-class training institution for all those who want to make a successful career in the industry.

“The appointment of Mr Abela as the MDA Academy’s first director is another important milestone in our vision to put the construction industry on a sustainable and strong future. Our aim is that workers and professionals involved in the industry acquire the right skills and knowledge to remain in touch with the evolving challenges the industry is facing,” Mr Chetcuti stated.

The MDA Academy has already been accredited by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCHFE) and is also in the process of obtaining international recognition.