Investment in Healthcare to combat COVID-19 is main priority

The Malta Developers Association (MDA) calls upon the government and all the country’s stakeholders to give their utmost priority to boost medical services and tackle the challenging healthcare issues over all other considerations.

While the MDA recognises the unprecedented economic difficulties that everyone is facing, not least the construction industry, this is not the time for panic and ill thought calls for half-baked economic incentives and state handouts aimed at solving the short-term consequences of an economic shortfall.

Acknowledging the immense efforts being made by the government, the medical authorities and the dedicated healthcare workers to control and contain this unprecedented crisis, members of the MDA have been directed to strictly follow the rules and play their part towards a rapid solution.

At the same time, the MDA strongly maintains that, at this stage of the crisis, all the country’s resources should be focused towards boosting healthcare, medical services and resources and the preparation of more emergency facilities which could be needed in the coming days and weeks.

In this context, the MDA would be holding discussions with the government to identify and provide existing properties which could be easily converted into temporary medical facilities to be used if the need arises.

The MDA has also directed its members so that the health and wellbeing of their employees remains a top priority and assuring that, as much as possible, their economic wellbeing is also safeguarded.

While the MDA believes that no family should bear the brunt of the ongoing crisis, it appeals to the authorities that if the crisis persists, the country’s resources should be directed towards fighting the COVID-19 virus head-on and helping Maltese families cope through these difficult times.

The MDA is convinced that if everyone comes together, contributes and support each other, we will defeat this crisis and emerge stronger.