MDA welcomes with satisfaction large infrastructure projects

The Malta Developers Association welcomes with satisfaction not only the news but also the execution of a huge investment by the Government, which is embarking on large infrastructural projects to improve the main roads, particularly in Marsa and in the central part of Malta.

MDA believes that these projects are going to make a difference in the quality that Malta currently needs to overcome the traffic problem and wishes to thank in particular the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg, who is at the helm of a sector that is moving ahead at a fast pace. MDA is also confident that these projects will be completed in a reasonable time, as is planned.

In appealing to its members, who are the roadbuilding contractors, to invest in the necessary works in the most professional manner, the MDA is certain that, with the right preparation, these Maltese contractors should be in a position to overcome the challenges of the work, the likes of which we have not seen for a long time. The Association pays tribute to the Minister who not only announces such large projects but also sees them to completion.

28 May 2018


L-MDAtilqa’ b’sodisfazzjon proġetti massivi kapitali fl-infrastruttura

Il-Malta Developers Association (MDA) tilqa’ b’sodisafzzjon mhux biss l-aħbar imma t-twettiq ta’ investiment kbir mill-Gvern, li qed jimbarka fuq proġetti massivi ta’ titjib ta’ l-infrastruttura fit-toroq ewlenin, partikolarment fil-Marsa u fil-parti ċentrali ta’ Malta.

L-MDA tħoss li dawn il-proġetti se jaghmlu d-diferenza fil-kwalità li bhalissa Malta għandha bzonn biex tegħleb il-problemi kurrenti tat-traffiku u tixtieq tirringrazzja b’mod partikolari lill-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali Ian Borg li qiegħed imexxi dan is-settur b’ritmu mgħaġġel. L-MDA tawgura wkoll li dawn il-proġetti jitlestew fi żmien raġjonevoli, kif hu ippjanat.

Fl-appelltagħha lill-membri, li huma kuntratturi tax-xogħolijiet ta’ toroq, sabiex ikunu armati għax-xogħol bl-akbar mod professjonali, l-MDA tinsab certa ukoll li, bi preparazzjoni tajba, dawn il-kuntratturi Maltin għandhom ikunu f’pożizzjoni biex jilqgħu l-isfidi tax-xogħol li ilna ma naraw bħalu. L-Assoċjazzjoni tirrikonoxxi l-Ministru li mhux biss iħabbar pjanijiet kbar iżda jara wkoll li jitwettqu.

28 ta’ Mejju 2018