L-MDA tinsisti fuq riformi li ma jagħtux lok għal-abbuż

Stqarrija Pubblika datata nhar is-sebgħa u għoxrin (27) ta’ Settembru 2024

L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Iżvilupp f’ Malta (MDA) qiegħda tippublika din l-istqarrija fid-dawl tar-rapurtaġġ fuq il-gazzeti lokali fejn ingħad illi ġiet sottomessa oġġezzjoni fuq Policy tal-ippjanar f’isem il-Ministru Clint Camilleri.

L-MDA tistqarr illi din m’hix l-ewwel darba illi jiddaħlu oġġezzjonijiet f’isem jew għan-nom ta’ terzi mingħajr il-konoxxenza tagħhom. Din hija prassi sfortunatament komuni fejn jidħlu Public Consultations li jirrigwardjaw ħruġ ta’ permessi kif ukoll hruġ ta’ ligijiet jew policies ġodda.

Preżentament, m’hu qed isir ebda eżercizzju ta’ verifika minn ebda entita biex jivverifikaw jekk sottomisjonijiet bħal dawn humiex qiegħdin isiru b’mod veritier jew jekk humiex jiġu sottomessi bil-kunsens ta’ min qed jigi rappreżentat.

Dan effettivament ifisser illi l-proċess qiegħed ikun imtappan b’nuqqas ta’ trasparenza u ineżattezzi billi qed jagħti lok għal ghadd ta’ oggezzjonijiet foloz li jikkawżaw pressjoni mhux dovuta fuq min irid jieħu d-deċizjonijiet finali.

L-MDA tesiġi illi l-każ tal-lum m’huwiex każ ta’ darba u b’hekk tinsisti li għandhom jiġu implimentati ir-riformi neċessarji li ma jagħtux lok għal abbuż.

The MDA insists on reforms which do not give rise to abuse

Public Statement dated the twenty-seventh (27th) of September 2024

The Malta Development Association (MDA) is publishing this statement in light of what has been reported in the local newspapers where it was stated that an objection has been filed on a policy in the name of Minister Clint Camilleri.

The MDA holds that this is not the first time whereby an objection was filed for or on behalf of a third party without their knowledge. This practice is unfortunately common when it comes to public consultations which relate to the issuance of planning permits as well as the coming into force of new laws or policies.

Presently, no verification exercise is being conducted by any authority which verifies whether submissions such as these are being done truthfuly or with the consent of the party being represented.

This effectively means that the process is being tainted with a lack of transparency and inaccurancy since it gives rise to a number of false objections which cause undue pressure on the decision makers.

The MDA insists that today’s case is not a one-off case and therefore there is an urgent need to implement the necessary reforms which do not give rise to such abuses. PA revises its processes to allow the submission of DNs in regularised  properties - Kamra tal-Periti