MDA welcomes Outdoor Catering Policy and new Sanitary laws

The Malta Developers Association welcomes with satisfaction the policy on Outdoor Catering and the new Sanitary Regulations law.

While the Outdoor Catering Policy is a measure that makes the lives of those operating restaurants much easier and lessens bureaucracy, the new Sanitary Regulations law updates laws that had been enacted more than a century ago. Therefore, there was not doubt that they needed to be updated to today’s needs.

The two measures are not only pro Business, but take into consideration the environment and at the same time protect citizens. These were enacted after wide consultation, including a vote of approval on the Policy on Outdoor Catering.

The MDA appeals to the Government to follow this line of action in other policies.

13June, 2016


L-MDA tilqa’ l-policy dwar Outdoor Catering u l-liġi tas-Sanità

Il-Malta Developers Association (MDA) tilqa’ b’sodisfazzjon il-policy dwar l-Outdoor Catering u l-liġi l-ġdida tas-Sanità.

Filwaqt li l-Outdoor Catering Policy hija miżura li ser tiffaċilita l-ħajja u tnaqqas il-burokrazija b’mod sostanzjali ta’ min qiegħed jopera r-ristoranti, fejn tidħol il-liġi tas-Sanità ġew aġġornati liġijiet li kienu ilhom fis-seħħ għal aktar minn mitt sena. Għaldaqstant, ma kien hemm l-ebda dubju li kellhom jiġu aġġornati għaż-żminijiet ta’ llum.

Iż-żewġ miżuri mhux biss huma pro Business, iżda jieħdu konsiderazzjonijiet ambjentali u fl-istess ħin jagħtu protezzjoni liċ-ċittadin. Dawn saru b’konsultazzjoni wiesgħa, saħansitra anki b’vot minn esperti fuq il-policy dwar l-outdoor catering.

L-MDA tappella lill-Gvern sabiex jimxi b’dan il-mod f’policies oħra.

13 ta’ Ġunju, 2016