MDA on Paceville Master Plan

The Malta Developers Association considers the Master Plan for Paceville as the first time that an attempt has been made in the country for a plan catering for a particular part of Malta holistically instead of just formulating a number of parameters that every development has to observe without considering the global effect of the development on its surrounding area.

The MDA considers the step taken by the Planning Authority to engage internationally known consultants to draw up this plan as a positive step that needs to be repeated for other areas as well.

The Master Plan has been carried out in a professional manner but the Authority has to give great attention to its interpretation and implementation.The plan is very ambitious and therefore needs all the stakeholders concerned to work together so that it will be implemented properly.

According to the plan, the built area will increase by around 500,000 m2 and the building volume will increase considerably. The MDA feels that before individual developments are given the go ahead, priority should be given to the improvement of the infrastructure and the implementation of traffic proposals. If these fall behind and the particular projects are built at a fast rate, the existing problems will increase rather than decrease.

The MDA feels that the plan fails to address the possibility of new projects that could involve existing buildings and concentrated too much on nine particular sites. Normally when there is such intense activity in such an area, many owners of existing properties are encouraged to renovate or rebuild their properties – a real possibility that is completely ignored in the Master Plan.

The MDA also feels that developers of these new projects should be encouraged to make the highest possible use of renewable energy.

On the possibility of land reclamation from the sea, the MDA feels that land reclaimed in this way should not be used to build apartments and residences but for a tourism-related project on a national level.

6 October, 2016


L-MDA dwar il-‘Master Plan’ għal Paceville

Il-Malta Developers Association (MDA) tqis il-Master Plan għal Paceville bħala l-ewwel darba li fil-pajjiż sar attentat biex ikun hemm pjan li jħares lejn xi parti partikolari minn Malta b’mod olistiku flok li jitfasslu biss numru ta’ parametri li kull żvilupp ikun irid josserva mingħajr ma jingħata każ tal-effett globali tal-iżvilupp fl-inħawi fejn isir.

L-MDA tqis il-pass li ħadet l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar li tqabbad konsulenti magħrufa internazzjonalment biex ifasslu dan il-pjan bħala pass pożittiv li bħalu hemm bżonn isiru oħrajn għal inħawi oħra.

Il-Master Plan hu maħsub b’mod professjonali ħafna iżda madankollu jeħtieġ jingħata attenzjoni kbira meta l-Awtorità tasal għall-interpretazzjoni u l-implimentazzjoni tiegħu. Il-pjan huwa wieħed ambizzjuż ħafna u għaldaqstant hemm bżonn li l-istakeholders kollha konċernati jaħdmu flimkien sabiex il-pjan jitwettaq sewwa.

Il-pjan ifisser li l-area tal-ispazju mibni se tikber b’madwar 500,000 m2 u d-densità tal-bini (building volume) se tikber konsiderevolment u għalhekk l-MDA tħoss li, qabel ma jibdew isiru l-iżviluppi individwali, għandha tingħata prijorità lit-titjib tal-infrastruttura u l-proposti dwar it-traffiku. Jekk dawn jaqgħu lura u l-proġetti partikolari jinbnew b’rata mgħaġġla, allura l-problemi eżistenti se jikbru u mhux jonqsu.

L-MDA tħoss li l-pjan naqas li jindirizza l-possibilità ta’ proġetti ġodda li jistgħu isiru flok bini eżistenti u kkonċentra wisq fuq disa’ siti partikolari. Fil-verità, meta jkun hemm attività daqshekk intensiva f’area bħal din, ħafna mis-sidien tal-proprjetajiet eżistenti jitħajru jirrinovaw jew jibnu mill-ġdid il-proprjetajiet tagħhom – possibilità vera li ġiet kompletament injorata fil-Master Plan.

l-MDA tħoss ukoll li dawn il-proġetti ġodda għandhom ikunu mħajjra sabiex jilħqu l-ogħla livell possibbli ta’ użu ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli.

Dwar il-proposta għal riklamazzjoni ta’ art mill-baħar, l-MDA tħoss li din l-art hekk riklamata m’għandhiex tintuża biex jinbnew appartamenti u residenzi iżda tintuża għal xi proġett ta’ interess turistiku fuq livell nazzjonali.

6 ta’ Ottubru, 2016