MDA appeals to political parties to lessen level of confrontation

The Malta Developers Association is concerned about the current political situation in the manner that the two main political parties have raised the level of confrontation between them as if a general election were around the corner

While it recognises that the political parties have the right – indeed the obligation – to draw the people’s attention to circumstances that could damage the country, the MDA knows from experience that a situation of unnecessary uncertainty could nip new investment in the bud in Malta both by the Maltese themselves as well as by foreigners.

Therefore, the MDA appeals to the two main political parties in Malta to lessen the level of confrontation between them – that on some occasions can verge on the hysterical – and continue to fulfil their duties without unnecessarily raising the temperature to one that resembles an election, when it appears that this is some way away.

In that way we will avoid negative effects on the country’s economic performance, as always happens when an election campaign begins.

21 March, 2016


L-MDA tappella lill-partiti politiċi biex inaqqsu l-livell ta’ konfrontazzjoni

Il-Malta Developers Association (MDA) hija mħassba dwar is-sitwazzjoni politika attwali fis-sens li bħalissa ż-żewġ partiti ewlenin għollew il-livell tal-konfrontazzjoni bejniethom daqs li kieku l-elezzjoni ġenerali qegħda wara l-bieb.

Filwaqt li tagħraf li l-partiti politiċi għandhom dritt – anzi obbligu –  li jiġbdu l-attenzjoni tal-poplu għal ċirkostanzi li jistgħu jagħmlu ħsara lill-pajjiż, l-MDA taf mill-esperjenza, li sitwazzjoni fejn tinħoloq inċertezza bla bżonn tasal biex tnaffar l-investiment ġdid f’Malta kemm tal-Maltin stess kif ukoll tal-barranin.

Għaldaqstant, l-MDA tappella liż-żewġ partiti politiċi ewlenin ta’ Malta biex inaqqsu l-livell ta’ konfrontazzjoni bejniethom – li xi minn daqqiet qed jersaq lejn l-isteriżmu – u jkomplu jaqdu d-dover tagħhom mingħajr ma jgħollu t-temperatura bla bżonn għal waħda daqs li kieku waslet elezzjoni, meta din tidher li għadha ’l bogħod.

B’hekk nevitaw li jkun  hemm effetti negattivi fuq l-andament tal-ekonomija tal-pajjiż, kif dejjem jiġri kull meta tasal kampanja elettorali.

21 ta’ Marzu 2016