MDA agrees with increase in minimum wage

The Malta Developers Association supports the request made by a coalition of NGOs for an increase in the minimum wage. The MDA also agrees that the time has come for a revision of the mechanism by which the cost of living allowance (COLA) is worked out so as to reflect current economic circumstances.

The MDA believes that it is the right moment for those who have fallen behind financially to be given a rise in their income, now that the country has a strong economic performance. This does not mean that we should abandon the direction that wages should be tied to productivity. In actual fact, persons employed in the private sector are already being paid good wages because of a lack of trained workers and therefore the small number who have fallen behind should have a decent minimum wage.

In this respect, the MDA appeals to Government to provide more training to youngsters who abandon their academic studies, and who leave school at an early age. This would enable them to have more opportunities for jobs with good wages.

The MDA –which comprises members who employ over 15,000 persons – believes that a worker who is happier and well paid would be motivated to produce more and that this helps our economy to keep on expanding.

4 November, 2016


L-MDA taqbel li tiżdied il-paga minima

Il-Malta Developers Association (MDA) tappoġġja t-talba tal-koalizzjoni tal-NGOs li tiżdied il-paga minima. L-MDA taqbel ukoll li wasal iz-zmien li jkun rivedut il-mekkaniżmu kif jinħadem iż-żieda għall-għoli tal-ħajja (il-COLA) biex dan jirrifletti ċ-ċirkostanzi ekonomici ta’ llum.

L-MDA temmen li issa li l-pajjiż għandu ekonomija b’saħħitha, hu l-mument li kul min waqa’ lura jkollu żieda fid-dħul tiegħu. Dan ma jfissirx li għadna nabbandunaw id-direzzjoni li l-paga għandha tkun marbuta mal-produttività. Il-verità hi li fis-settur privat diġà qed jingħataw pagi tajbin minħabba n-nuqqas ta’ nies imħarrġa u għalhekk il-ftit li waqgħu lura għandhom ikollhom paga minima diċenti.

F’dan ir-rigward l-MDA tħeġġeġ lill-Gvern biex jipprovdi aktar taħriġ lill-persuni ta’ età żgħira li jabbandunaw l-istudju akkademiku u jitilqu mill-iskola kmieni. B’hekk dawn ukoll isibu opportunitajiet ta’ xoghol aħjar b’pagi tajbin.

L-MDA, li tigbor fiha membri li jħaddmu aktar minn 15,000 ħaddiem, temmen li bniedem li jkun aktar kuntent u mħallas tajjeb ikun motivat biex jipproduċi aktar u dan iservi biex l-ekonomija tagħna tkompli tikber.

4 ta’ Novembru, 2016